Please take a minute to register if you’re leading a small group. You and your group will be included in a conference call with Pastor Allen at the end of the study.

Study Description

It’s tempting to rest in a neutral place where life feels safe, predictable, and stable. But we’re living in uncertain times, and there’s more turmoil just ahead. We can’t afford to stay on our current path. Our greatest security comes from drawing close to God and His Word, so we can know how He wants each of us to respond in this season. In the Bible, the people who changed the course of history were those who were willing to follow God, even when it brought disruption and uncertainty into their lives. Are we willing to do the same today? In this four-session study, we’ll gain insight on what this looks like—both in the Bible and in our daily lives. Then, we’ll take steps toward living our lives in such a way that we can “step out of the crowd” and impact the people around us with the truth of our faith.

This four-session study offers a simple way to lead with your faith by inviting neighbors, friends, and colleagues into a faith-based discussion. Each session includes a short teaching (about ten minutes) from Pastor Allen and a study guide with discussion questions.

Watch each session video here, or use the World Outreach Church app, available for iPhone, Android, Roku, and more. Download the WOC app here »


The foundations of our society are being undermined and rewritten. What are our responsibilities as Christ-followers, citizens, neighbors, family members, and friends? If we speak into today’s issues from the perspective of our faith, we’re often told to be quiet. But when people actively oppose our biblical worldview, they’re considered to be “enlightened”— people with heightened compassion or a greater awareness. We’re living in a time of great change, and it’s time to decide: Will we stay silent, or will we allow God to use our lives to bring His truth to the people around us?


People now use the word “political” to describe current events, values, and cultural trends, so you can quickly be labeled “political” just for discussing any of these. It’s tempting to stay silent, thinking that if we don’t advocate for our biblical worldview, we can avoid confrontation. We intuitively understand there are real-world implications if we say what we believe. But Jesus continually spoke truth to the people and authorities around Him—regardless of the consequences—and that’s our assignment, too.


Jesus’ commandment was to love one another, and we need to understand that in the context of Scripture. We don’t love or honor God if we practice disobedience. If we encourage ungodliness, we’re not being faithful to Him. If we cover it, excuse it, and justify it, we will face His wrath. But here’s the good news: God has given us everything we need to stand firm, even when depravity surrounds us. Our strength and power may fail, but God’s won’t. Afterall, the victory ultimately depends on Him—and our God is a deliverer!


Our assignment is to love people who don’t know the Lord and invite them toward the cross. All of us have brokenness, failures, and inconsistencies, but we cannot renegotiate the definitions of righteousness, holiness, or purity so we can be accepted more broadly. The World War II generation was called “the greatest generation.” Our story is not complete yet, but let’s be a part of a generation defined by our faith and our determination to follow the Lord, no matter what.

Please take a minute to register if you’re leading a small group. You and your group will be included in a conference call with Pastor Allen at the end of the study.

We hope that Jesus, His Followers, and Politics was a blessing to you! Please let us know how it went and check out our other studies, available in the WOC app or at the link below: