spring fest

April 12

sat, 6:00pm


April 18

fri, 6:00pm


April 19

sat, 6:00pm


April 20

sun, 9:30am

spring fest

April 26

sat, 6:00pm

spring fest

April 12

sat, 6:00pm


April 18-20


spring fest

April 26

sat, 6:00pm

you’re invited!

Indoor & Outdoor Stages + Seating • Food Trucks • Baptisms

Plus special Easter activities for children ages birth-6th grade including Miss PattyCake (2 years – 5 years), WOC Children’s Ministry Worship (K – 1st Grade), and Kidz Blitz (2nd – 6th Grades).

A Message From Pastor Allen

It’s going to be an amazing spring at World Outreach Church, and you’re invited to be a part of it all. With a lot of exciting artists coming to lead worship, our goal isn’t just to provide Christian entertainment. It’s to make a space where people can come together, be with God’s people, hear a biblical message, and worship the Lord. We hope you’ll join us—and bring a friend!

–Pastor Allen Jackson

If You Can’t Make It To Campus, Join Us Online

We will livestream our outdoor services, including special guest artists leading worship. You can watch on YouTube, Facebook, at wochurch.org, or in the app.

Bring A Friend!

Use this opportunity to lead with your faith. Share this event with someone you know!