Please take a minute to register if you’re leading a small group. You’ll gain access to a leadership guide with tips to help you lead your group. You’ll also be included in a conference call with Pastor Allen at the end of the study.
Study Description
It’s tempting to rest in a neutral place where life feels safe, predictable, and stable. But we’re living in uncertain times, and there’s more turmoil just ahead. We can’t afford to stay on our current path. Our greatest security comes from drawing close to God and His Word, so we can know how He wants each of us to respond in this season. In the Bible, the people who changed the course of history were those who were willing to follow God, even when it brought disruption and uncertainty into their lives. Are we willing to do the same today? In this four-session study, we’ll gain insight on what this looks like—both in the Bible and in our daily lives. Then, we’ll take steps toward living our lives in such a way that we can “step out of the crowd” and impact the people around us with the truth of our faith.
Watch each session video here, or use the World Outreach Church app, available for iPhone, Android, Roku, and more. Download the WOC app here »
Session 1
Adopting a New Lifestyle
Many imagine that when we choose to follow Jesus, everything suddenly becomes easy. But that’s not what we find in the Bible. The Apostle Paul offers a window into the perseverance and determination that’s required of Christ-followers—and why it’s worth every effort. The Lord is doing something new in our generation, and that will come with increasing spiritual pressure. Instead of retreating or cowering in fear, we need to be willing to boldly follow God in new ways.
Session 2
Engaged in Seeking Jesus
Sometimes following Jesus means being willing to do unlikely things. How will we choose to respond when He offers us new and unexpected assignments? Jesus recruited twelve men to abandon their former way of living to become His disciples, and by following Him they changed the course of history. We can learn much by examining their reactions to Jesus’ invitations. In this session, we’ll look at some examples from Peter’s life that show us what it looks like to be an engaged and enthusiastic follower of Jesus.
Session 3
Let’s Go!
If we are faithful in the places where God has planted us, He will bring outcomes that far exceed our efforts. Esther followed God, even when it led directly into danger and adversity, and her obedience saved the lives of the Jewish people. God is inviting us into the same kind of bold faith. It’s time to draw closer to the Holy Spirit and become more intentional with our faith so we can impact people for His Kingdom in our generation and beyond.
Session 4
Embrace Being Different
God asks us to be different than the world around us, but what does “different” mean? Here are some characteristics that make God’s people stand apart from the rest of the crowd: contentment, godliness, joy, generosity with time and money, and more. Following Jesus isn’t about sitting in church or practicing religion—it’s about allowing the Holy Spirit to align your heart and your life with God and His Word. Let’s explore how we can cultivate this in our daily lives.
Please take a minute to register if you’re leading a small group. You’ll gain access to a leadership guide with tips to help you lead your group. You’ll also be included in a conference call with Pastor Allen at the end of the study.
We hope that Step Out Of The Crowd was a blessing to you! Please let us know how it went and check out our other studies, available in the WOC app or at the link below: