Early Elementary Volunteers
Gospel Project Curriculum
© 2021 Lifeway “Duplicated and used by permission.”
Unit 25: The Warnings Of Jesus
- Session 1: People Welcomed Jesus as King
- Session 2: Leaders Wanted to Trick Jesus
- Session 3: Jesus Warned About Not Loving
- Session 4: Jesus Warned About Not Acting
- Session 5: Jesus Is Our Perfect Prophet
Unit 26: The Arrest Of Jesus
- Session 1: Jesus Was Anointed
- Session 2: Jesus Shared a Last Meal
- Session 3: Jesus Was Arrested
- Session 4: Jesus Is Our Perfect Priest
Unit 27: The Death and Resurrection
- Session 1: Jesus Was Put on Trial
- Session 2: Jesus Was Crucified
- Session 3: Jesus Was Raised
- Session 4: Jesus Is Our Perfect King